Pagina 2 - EQF_ECVET Broker's profile_rev.13.03.2012

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ECVET Credit Points allocation – The Credit Points are assigned on the basis of the information provided by the European Commission in
“ECVET Questions and Answers”
. ECVET is applied to learning outcomes achieved in a non-formal and informal learning context, as the
broker job profile does not correspond to a formal qualification (and thus a specific length of training) in the involved partners countries.
Therefore, the one year pathway, corresponding to 60 CPs, is assumed as reference basis and the Cominter
common methodology is
EQF Level identification – The EQF level is assigned on the basis of empirical evidences provided by partner’s countries practices analysed
and presented in May and November 2011. The methodology applied is transferred from a ESF regional project “SKILL INN – Skills for
Innovation” – realised within the support of the Region of Veneto (see below), considering also the guidelines provided by ISFOL in 2010
In detail, a person might possess and express different levels of Knowledge, Skills and Competences. Knowledge workers and highly
specialized technicals score an higher level of knowledge in comparison to the level of autonomy and responsibility. Therefore, it is
pragmatically advised to use the “prevalence” criterion of the knowledge and skills applied in job or informal training practices and in the
professional and human development
The lexicon used to describe the KSC of the profile is based on the syntax provided by the Region of Veneto, Department of Labour to
develop 46 ESF regional projects in the 2009-2011 period
The syntax was provided by the Technical Assistance organisation Italia Lavoro Spa in April 2010.
“ECVET Questions and Answers” – European Commission – Education and Culture – Revised February 2011 - Dossier 2011.3115, p. 29 and pp. 74-77
Recomfor project (preceded by the Comiter project) was a network project funded by the centralised actions of the Lifelong Learning Programme in
the period 2008-2012. More information can be found here
“Sistema di attribuzione del livello EQF alle unità professionali” – ISFOL, Area Analisi dei fabbisogni e della evoluzione tecnologica e organizzativa,
Guida alla metodologia per la rilevazione delle competenze in ambiti non formali e informali di apprendimento (Salvatore Garbellano)”
“Competenze e ruoli nell’innovazione”, edited by the Partnership of the Project SKILL-INN- Skill per l’innovazione, 2011
Programma operativo F.S.E. 2007-2013. Asse IV “Capitale Umano”. Azioni di sistema per la realizzazione di strumenti operativi a supporto dei processi
di riconoscimento, validazione e certificazione delle competenze” – Categoria di intervento 72.
ESF Operative Programme 2007 – 2013. Axis IV “Human Capital”. Framework actions to realise operative tools to support the processes for the
recognition, validation and certification of competences. – Intervention Category 72.