
WP VI - Sustainability
"The Innovation Competence Broker: bridging firms and R&D institutions"

WP V - Supervising the Transfer
Video: experiences across Europe

WP IV - Adaptation of Methodology: the broker profile
ECVET Unit and EQF job profile "Research based competence broker"

WP III - Transfer of Methodology: Knowledge for competitiveness
- Regional System of the relationship among Industry - University - State (Practice - Intervention - Theory: PIT)
- The Competence Brokering Initiative: Linking SME needs to research opportunities

Newsletter I, II, III


WP VI - Sustainability
"The Innovation Competence Broker: bridging firms and R&D institutions"

The REBASING partnership is proud to present the book “The Innovation Competence Broker: bridging firms and R&D institutions”, published in September 2012 by McGraw-Hill.
The aim of the Authors, academic researchers and enterprise service agencies, is to provide a detailed overview of Research-based competence broker activities and profile. The work stems from wider strategic needs for maximizing the impact and use of knowledge in the industrial system. The broker intervention process shows his/her role in helping a company to identify suitable innovation projects, leaving it up to the firm to implement them in cooperation with the R&D provider. In fact, the real added value brought by the broker lies in his/her ability to strategically manage his/her own network, constantly widening and enriching it in order to provide the best answer to companies’ needs.
As a common method, European Union frameworks designed to secure mobility to the European labour market and transparency to EU citizens’ qualifications were applied and integrated. Namely, the broker profile is described according to the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and the European Qualification Framework (EQF), in order to enhance profile transparency and ensure permeability of possible related qualifications.

Download the publication (english language)


WP V - Supervising the Transfer

The partnership collected hints and suggestions from the brokers involved into the REBASING initiative. From the innovation audit review to the competences and tools necessary to the profile, we are proud to share some successful experiences across Europe!





The following guidelines to identify Open Innovation Networks and support the brokers to carry out Innovation Audit have been designed and tested within the project lifetime. Downolad available here.

The partnership collected hints and suggestions from the brokers involved into the REBASING initiative. From the innovation audit review to the competences and tools necessary to the profile, we are proud to share some successful experiences across Europe!


WP IV - Adaptation of Methodology: the broker profile

ECVET Unit and EQF job profile “Research based competence broker”
The REBASING “Competence broker” profile is based on the literature analysis of the University of Padua – Department of Industrial Engineering and of the University of Naples “Federico II” – Department of Economic and Management Engineering, on the analysis of the Norwegian Research-based Competence Broker, and on the empirical evidences from the interviews to opinion leaders and companies reported by the partners in May and November 2011, further updated in April and May 2012.
The profile includes the most common activities identified. In relationship to key activities, component activities are a description of tasks and consequently the results that the broker should achieve.
Each activity has been connected to a corresponding European Qualification Framework level, based on the degree of autonomy and responsibility, and to each was allocated tentative European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training points, according to the Cominter methodology.



WP III - Transfer of Methodology: Knowledge for competitiveness

- Regional System of the relationship among Industry - University - State (Practice - Intervention - Theory: PIT)
In order to describe the local partnership contexts with regard to REBASING focus on Competence broker, accordingly with University of Padua – Department of Mechanical and Management Innovation, each partner described its local environment
on the basis of the Triple Helix model, describing the relationship among Industry – University – State (practice – intervention – theory: PIT). The Triple Helix shows a non-exhaustive list of the organisations and bodies working at national or regional level in the field of innovation and research and their formal and/ or non-formal relationship.


- The Competence Brokering Initiative: Linking SME needs to research opportunities




- Newsletter I (English version)
- Newsletter II (English version)
- Newsletter III (English version)