To face the current and future scenarios, the European Commission proposed the “Europe 2020” strategy, aiming to a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy.
REBASING supports the ”smart” growth focused on the improvement of the EU’s performance in:
• education
• research/innovation: creating new products/services that generate growth and jobs and help address social challenges
• digital society: using information and communication technologies project
The REBASING project intends to develop a comprehensive work program to improve the cooperation between universities, research centres and enterprises, thus empowering the capacity of companies to exploit innovation and introduce it in their working routines. Nowadays the “innovative capacity” is also based on the organizational ability to become “serial innovators”. The challenge will be dealt with by transferring a very practical approach developed in Norway within the context of the Regional Programme for innovation research and development.
The core of the transfer action is the research based competence broker: this professional profile is able to analyse the enterprises’ needs in terms of technological and organisational innovation and link needs to universities capacity to provide for innovative solutions. REBASING trusts that the broker can significantly operate to improve the quality of cooperation between university and enterprises which is often fragmented and inefficient.